Site Search
With the added spur of a recent comment, I have spent a little time looking at WordPress search plug-ins, and have as a result set up Relevanssi on the site. You can bring up the search box by clicking on the magnifying glass icon at the left of the header menu. All posts and pages are searched, including comments and data tables. Partial matches on individual search words will appear in the results, though priority is given to exact matches. Multiple search terms are connected by ‘invisible ANDs’, so a search for comp anag will return only those pages or posts that contain both ‘comp’ and ‘anag’ (or superstrings thereof such as ‘composite’ and ‘anagrams’). Enclosing terms in double inverted commas will limit the search to the entire string, so a search for “composite anagram” will return only pages/posts containing the string ‘composite anagram’.
I did test out the additional Relevanssi plug-in which offers AJAX searching (‘search as you type’), but I felt that the performance in our environment was likely to be a source of frustration rather than satisfaction.
If you have call to use the facility and you experience any issues, please leave a comment below orĀ email me. I’d also be pleased to know if you find the functionality to be of value.
Any resource that you add, sir, is welcomed gladly.