Emoticons in Comments

When posting comments, you have access to the standard range of WordPress emoticons (aka smileys or glyphs), viz

icon text text full text icon full text
smile :) :-) :smile: lol :lol:
biggrin :D :-D :grin: redface :oops:
sad :( :-( :sad: cry :cry:
surprised :o :-o :eek: evil :evil:
eek 8O 8-O :shock: twisted :twisted:
confused :? :-? :???: rolleyes :roll:
cool 8) 8-) :cool: exclaim :!:
mad :x :-x :mad: question :?:
razz :P :-P :razz: idea :idea:
neutral :| :-| :neutral: arrow :arrow:
wink ;) ;-) :wink: mrgreen :mrgreen: